Illinois Natural History Survey - Fish
Catalog #: 44592
Secondary Catalog #: urn:uuid:b65cf784-c59b-4744-85ea-612b96a2906e
Taxon: Lepomis megalotis (Rafinesque, 1820)
Family: Centrarchidae
Collector: R. Steinberg & J.H. Knouft      
Date: 1998-01-13
Verbatim Date: 1/13/1998
Locality: United States, Illinois, Union, 3.2 mi NE Wolf Lake, at confluence with unnamed trib.
Location Remarks: clear gravel stream
Individual Count: 4
Specimen Images
Record Id: e5a4c4cf-c77e-4b58-b352-5cb3c3207c37
Occurrence ID (GUID):
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Dr. Chris Taylor (
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