J. F. Bell Museum of Natural History - Fish
Catalog #: JFBM-FISH-0045394
Secondary Catalog #: 45394
Taxon: Noturus miurus Jordan, 1877
Family: Ictaluridae
Collector: Simons, Andrew; Egge, Jacob; Halas, Dominik; Hirt, Michael      
Date: 2007-06-22
Verbatim Date: 6/22/2007
Locality: United States, Kentucky, Hardin/Nelson, Rolling Fork River at US Highway 62
37.7672222  -85.7036111
Preparations: 70% Ethanol - 5
Occurrence Remarks: 1. Stream width in meters 2. Time of capture 2030-2200 3. Tissues collected: Moxostoma erythrurum (544, 543, 546); M. macrolepedotum (542); Macrhybopsis storeriana (547, 548); Noturus miurus (544, 550, 551, 552, 549). Numbers in parenthesis are specimen tag numbers. 4. 35% ETOH on 4th Sep 2007.
Specimen Images
Record Id: e02ee581-0d65-4af4-a6f7-9380b104e117
Occurrence ID (GUID): urn:uuid:8dcac6ac-6413-11e3-81f0-12313d0829ba
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Dr. Andrew Simons, Curator (asimons@umn.edu)
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