University of Wisconsin-Madison Zoological Museum - Fish
Catalog #: UWZM-F-0004459
Secondary Catalog #: 9800; 1990-138
Taxon: Cottus bairdii Girard, 1850
Family: Cottidae
Determiner: John D. Lyons, Paul Kanehl
Collector: WDNR Fish Research Crew      
Date: 1990-08-09
Verbatim Date: 9-Aug-90
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Oneida, Tomahawk R., #2 650 m upstream of hwy 70 Bridge; TRS: 39N 6E 6 SW1/4
Life Stage: AD
Individual Count: 1
Preparations: 10% buff. formalin
Occurrence Remarks: Received September 19, 1990. Less than or equal to 1990 WDNR fishes.
Specimen Images
Record Id: 4c25e96f-dfae-492b-bf78-97bfa5d1cd07
Occurrence ID (GUID): 4c25e96f-dfae-492b-bf78-97bfa5d1cd07
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Laura A. Halverson Monahan, Curator (lahalverson@wisc.edu)
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